Prayer to Remove Evil Spirits
Today and hereafter I cast all of my burdens, anxieties, weariness, hidden issues of the heart, all manners of selfishness, effort, performance, complaints, worries, independence, self-protection, control, manipulation, wrong-sight, broken trust, hope deferred, personal anguish, familiar spiritties, all agreements with darkness over myself and my family..
I align with your plan for my life. I put on the full armor of God. I decree breakthroughs in all areas of my life that have been in darkness, allowing your light to shine and expose everything, allowing your fire to burn all of the dross, everything that stands in the way of purpose and your will for my life. I come boldly before your throne of grace in pursuit of the truth, your love, your mercy, your kindness, your face, your power, your might, your humility, your strength and every desire for me you have.
Teach me your ways, your precepts, your path. Show me how to be your Bride. Infuse my dreams with the knowledge of Heaven. Awaken me to your voice, your love for me and others. I commit my body, mind, soul, and spirit to you to be transformed into your image and all your ways. I agree you have given us every spiritual blessing and I awaken to Christ in me today.
Father we come boldly before your throne of grace to find mercy and grace in the time of need. Thank you for hearing us!
We open the door to you and invite you to establish your presence in our midst. We declare right now that every amnesic wall, barrier, blockade, stronghold, or Veil that would hinder progress is put to sleep, disengaged, and moved out of the way right now.
We take this opportunity to put up smoke screens in the spirit that act as Sight and Sound barriers against Interlopers, satanic agents, evil Spirits and evil spirits. We decree that we are cleansed of all filthiness of the Flesh and spirit perfecting Holiness in the fear of the Lord. We are Washed by the blood of Jesus which cleanses us from all unrighteousness we are Washed by the Water of your Word.
I plead the blood of Jesus over myself, my spouse, my children, my parents, my car, my bank account, my dwelling and everything under my stewardship. We declare that everything under our stewardship is under the jurisdiction of heaven. We pray that your heavenly hosts and Angels would guard these places roundabout, both above and below against every dimensional access point in Jesus name.
I will say of the Lord you are my refuge and my Fortress my God in you will I trust. We thank you that Every curse, hex, Vex, spell, incantation, voodoo, sorcery, form of Witchcraft, dark Art, or other form of weaponized demonic activity sent against us is broken and reversed right now by the blood of Jesus Christ and We BLESS those who sent them and command them to come out of darkness.
Moreover we pray that every human spirit, fallen angel spirit, or otherwise malevolent Spirit attempting to come against us would be apprehended by your heavenly host right now so they cannot even set a foot in our realm and would be escorted to wherever the Lord Jesus sends them.
We break and reverse every curse over our lives and every negative word spoken by us or over us by any means including in dreams or imported through technologies and we declare their fruit is now being devoured by Heaven.
We declare that all evil devices, chains of bondage, evil injections, imprisonments of our Humanity, insertions and implants of every type, physical, spiritual or energetic, that were established against us at any time are now being consumed by the Holy Fire of Jesus Christ.
I command any and every human fragment that would attempt to go out of the body or work in any way inside the body or soul to bring sabotage, create Havoc or ruination, including operating in collusion With the Enemy (both known and unknown, seen and unseen) would be immediately apprehended in Jesus name. Father we ask that these fragments would be brought to know you and converted or put to sleep until then. I pray that they would be quickly reconstituted to our spirits and I thank you for sending your heavenly hosts and Holy Spirit to facilitate this.
We thank you for revealing any areas that are be out of alignment with heaven and gently correcting us.
We repent for and renounce Every Act of agreement with evil agendas and assignments taking place during sleep or any other time, conscious or unconscious, including the reception of evil spirit food, counterfeit gifts, callings, mandates, judgments, technologies, counterfeit revelations and assignments.
We renounce and declare destruction upon all evil altars set up bearing our name or image in every timeline, age, realm and dimension. I renounce and break the power of all sacrifices or rituals performed on these altars declaring that they will have no impact on me or anyone else by the blood of Jesus Christ.
I cancel and render powerless all attempts at mind-to-mind communication and manipulation and all forms of psychic, telepathic and technological intrusion, in the name of Jesus I establish a matrix of protection around me and my family, both spiritual and natural, that hinders and blocks any and every attack of technology and physical waves of all sorts, including sound waves, EMF waves, radio waves, microwaves, light waves, gamma waves, and all other waveforms.
We declare that the blood of Jesus Christ covers our spirits, souls, and bodies. I declare that our bodies are blessed, our souls are blessed and our spirits are blessed in Jesus name.
I call for the oil of anointing to be poured over every component of our person, Spirit, soul and body anointing us for service, establishing our hearts in joy, and Awakening the strength of Jesus Christ in our members.
Angels bless the Lord and praise His holy name! You who excel in strength and you who perform his word. Hearken unto the voice of his word. You are made ministering spirits to The Heirs of Salvation. As an heir of Salvation I speak that your ministry to us is the execution of your assignments concerning us and everything written on our scrolls. We release you to take action.
Angels of warfare you are released to Conquest the enemies of God that oppose us in our assignments, mandates and callings. We declare that you conquer every time thief in Jesus name..
We identify the strongholds strategic positions, War rooms and Laboratories of Darkness that have been erected against our lives in every realm, age, timeline and dimension and declare that the war horses of Heaven are loosed against them. We bombard them with hailstones, pillars of fire, tsunamis of Living Water, engines of War, instruments of war and the armies of Heaven. We command all demons associated with these structures of darkness to be incinerated.
We declare that the Whirlwind of the Lord surrounds us and our associates and draws unto us all resources expedient for our callings and mandates and it destroys the snares of the enemy from before our face.
Lord Jesus you are our shield, our Buckler and our rearguard. We assume the armor of God the helmet of salvation the breastplate of righteousness the belt of truth. We put on the shoes shod with Peace and take up the shield of Faith, the sword of the Spirit which is
the word of God, the garments of Praise and the cloak of HUMILITY. We will not be afraid of the terror By Night neither of the arrow that flies by day neither of the pestilence that walks in Darkness neither of the destruction that lays waste at Noonday. 1000 shall come to life at our side and 10,000 at our right hand because our realm and Lives are interfaced with the seven spirits of God: the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom and Revelation, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. therefore all the powers of darkness are confronted and subdued wherever we go.
We seal all these declarations and prayers by the blood of Jesus Christ across every realm, Age, timeline and dimension, past, present, and future, from the beginning to Infinity. Amen. ( )